What other people have said about the effectiveness of my sessions
"It is so nice to look forward to the new day rather than wake with dread hanging over my heart."
"I feel like a new person. Thank you."
"I used to bite my nails right down to the quick and beyond till they bled. I was astounded that after the few sessions you gave me my nails are now growing out and I find that I just do not bite nails any more. I can't tell you how wonderful it feels not too be ashamed to show my hands"
"Your No-smoking session was an absolute blinder. I had tried all other routes to giving up smoking and failed dismally. I thought I had not got the will power to give up. After just the one session I have given up and I have not smoked from that day to this. Thank you very much indeed."
"What convinced me to use your one session no-smoking therapy was the fact that I would not be out of pocket. The amount I would have spent on cigarettes more than covered the cost of the extraordinarily successful therapy. I was in a win win situation, even more so since I have not had the slightest desire to smoke since coming to see you."
"As you know I just could not stick to a diet. I tried and tried and tried again. After your course of Hypnotherapy I have found that I have no need to go on diet after diet as I happily and very successfully control my own intake of food and stay just as slim as I want to be."
"Thank you for 'extracting' my sweet tooth. I now do not miss sweet things at all."