Each Hypnotherapy session lasts around 90 minutes.
First session
The first session is roughly split into three segments. During
the first segment we discuss your issue and how we are going
to deal with it. I use that time to 'diagnose' the depth of the
issue and assess what I believe will be required to sort it
At the end of this discussion you are free to leave with no charge to you and no hard feelings on my part.
The second segment will be a session of Hypnotherapy
when you will go into a 'trance like state'. At all times you
are fully aware of what I am saying and doing and what you are
saying and doing and you are able stop any session at any time.
The third segment is a review of how you feel and what you can
expect between this and the next session should you need one.
You will notice the difference
This first session of Hypnotherapy will set your mind and body
on the right road and with the 'homework' you will notice a difference over the next
week. Many people find that this one session combined with the 'homework' is sufficient, but subsequent sessions will anchor and increase the progress.
You will see a marked improvement after each session.
Subsequent sessions
Subsequent sessions follow the same sort of pattern. We will review
your progress in achieving your goal since the last session, and
work out further suggestions that will help you in this objective.
The Hypnotherapy session follows when the suggestions will be
put into your 'subconscious mind, and in the third segment we will
review how the session went.
Final session
When you stop the Hypnotherapy sessions is your choice, a choice
taken in conjunction with me. You will know when you feel you
no longer need Hypnotherapy because it has conquered your issue
and given you a new outlook.
Self Hypnosis.
If you would like to be able to hypnotise yourself and use that self-hypnosis to change your outlook, make yourself more successful,cope with a specific stress or situations then I will teach you self-hypnosis in a separate session.